Sometimes bad breath is brought on by eating too much garlic, but sometimes it’s persistent and doesn’t go away just through brushing.  Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by poor dental hygiene, which is why it’s essential to floss, brush, and avoid tobacco use to maintain fresh breath.

How It Starts

Bad breath starts in the mouth with the food you eat.  When you chew, food particles get stuck between your teeth and in your mouth.  Flossing regularly helps promote healthy teeth and gums by removing any food particles that would otherwise rot and smell.  This rotting food can also encourage bacteria growth around the teeth and gums, which could lead to gum disease. Smoking and chewing tobacco is also a contributor to bad breath and teeth staining.  Stopping these habits will help improve the overall quality of your breath, and the appearance of your teeth.

What Can You Do To Prevent Bad Breath?

Besides stopping tobacco use, there are several things you can do to freshen your breath from a dental health perspective.

  1. Brush Your Teeth – Make sure you brush your teeth and tongue twice a day with a  fluoride toothpaste to remove food and plaque. You should brush after you eat, and you may want to consider keeping a toothbrush and toothpaste at work to brush after lunch.  Don’t forget to get a new toothbrush after an illness, or every 2-3 months.
  2. Floss – You know you should… but maybe it’s been a while.  Flossing removes any stuck food that may be rotting and contributing to your bad breath.  Use dental floss or an interdental cleaner daily!
  3. Visit Your Dentist – Get your cleanings every 6 months.  In addition to that, your dentist will do an oral exam that will help detect periodontal disease or other issues related to persistent bad breath.
  4. Drink Lots Of Water – This keeps your mouth moist, and washes away food and bacteria.  Alternatively, you can chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to help produce saliva.
  5. Keep A Food Log – To determine if you’re eating something that may be causing your bad breath, write down all the food you eat.  Show it to your dentist for insight.

Good oral health is important to keep your body healthy and free from infection.  The experts at Boston Dental are waiting to help you with any oral health questions or problems you may have.  Contact us in Government Center at 617-402-5000 or Downtown Crossing at 617-338-5000 to schedule your appointment, or fill out an online contact form.