Categories for Modern Dentistry
Facts About Sleep Apnea and Effective Treatment
Sleep apnea is a disorder that can be highly debilitating and potentially fatal. It can be the leading cause of many other diseases and conditions: heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, […]
Root Canal or Tooth Extraction by our Boston Endodontists
When a tooth becomes decayed or cracked, the damage can be too extensive to save the tooth. For instance, the damage has spread to the pulp or nerve of the […]
Boston Sedation Dentists FAQs
Here at Boston Dental, we’re often asked about sedation dentistry and who it could benefit. The truth is that sedation dentistry can be a great option for people of ages […]
Boston City Hall Plaza Events this Summer
Every summer our patients at Boston Dental ask us what event is going on at City Hall Plaza (just behind us at Government Center) and in most cases we put […]