There are few things that are worse than tooth pain and not dealing with it can cause lack of sleep and difficulty eating. As an overall distraction throughout your day, understanding where the tooth pain is and when you are experiencing it will allow your dentist to figure out why the pain is there. If you are experiencing tooth pain, it’s crucial to make an appointment with your dental provider as soon as possible to get to the root of the problem.
Temperature Sensitivity
Are you experiencing tooth pain when you eat or drink? Keep an eye on whether you are sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, or one or the other. Does the pain linger or does it go away quickly?
The most common causes of temperature sensitivity are worn-down enamel and gum recession. If you are experiencing pain that fades quickly, consider switching to a sensitive teeth toothpaste and avoid extremely hot or cold foods, as well as foods that are acidic. If you are experiencing pain that lasts a while and is frequent and intense, it can be a sign of an underlying issue including tooth decay, worn fillings, or gum disease.
Dull, Persistent Aches
Dull, persistent toothaches are the most typical kind of tooth pain. If this describes your tooth pain, keep an eye on the duration and severity of the tooth pain – How long it lasts, what it tends to be triggered by, and precisely where the pain is.
If you’re experiencing gum swelling – Gum Swelling can be a sign that something is stuck in your gums or between your teeth. Make sure to floss regularly and see if the pain subsides. If the pain doesn’t go away, make an appointment with your dentist to see if the pain is coming from grinding your teeth or an abscessed tooth.
Inconsistent Pain
If you’ve been watching your tooth pain and it won’t subside and are now experiencing sharp pains, check to see if the tooth that is affected is one with a filling or crown. Typically, sharp pain will happen when a filling or crown comes loose or falls off. The faster you assess the issue, the quicker it can be dealt with so it doesn’t turn into anything more serious.
Intense, Throbbing Pain
Intense tooth pain can cause a lot of issues, especially when you’re just trying to get through your day. If the pain is severe enough that you are distracted, call to make an emergency dental appointment immediately to rule out infection. If left untreated, the infection could spread causing additional issues down the line.
If you are experiencing any tooth pain, contact Boston Dental today to schedule your appointment at our offices in Government Center or Downtown Crossing.