Everyone eventually experiences dental stains and discoloration. Tobacco products, tannin-rich drinks like red wine and coffee, and even certain medications can cause tooth discoloration. As you age, your enamel also thins naturally which makes your teeth look more yellow.

Zoom teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that can make you feel more confident and give you a brighter smile. This procedure is performed in-office and includes take-home trays to help maintain your results for even longer. Here’s what you can expect from Zoom teeth whitening in Boston and how to determine if you’re a good candidate.

What Is Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Zoom is a popular and effective bleaching technique that can visibly whiten teeth by up to 8 shades while lightening discoloration and stains of the dentin and enamel. The Zoom procedure is an in-office teeth whitening that uses peroxide-based gel and the Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp to accelerate the process. As the hydrogen peroxide in the gel breaks down, it allows oxygen to enter the dentin and enamel to bleach stains without damaging the tooth structure.

Your Initial Consultation

The first step to whiter, brighter teeth is scheduling a consultation with your dentist. Your dentist will give you a complete oral exam to check the health of your gums and teeth. You will also be asked about your lifestyle and oral hygiene to ensure you are a good candidate and will actually benefit from teeth whitening.

The Zoom Whitening Procedure

Once your dentist determines you are a good candidate for teeth whitening, you are ready to get started. The procedure itself is very safe and fast: it will take less than an hour with just one session necessary. Your dentist will apply a special peroxide-based whitening gel gently over your teeth. Blue and ultraviolet light are applied to activate the gel and a laser will accelerate the process by penetrating your teeth.

The Zoom light is applied in three 15-minute intervals. After the last mini-session, your dentist will apply a sensitivity-reducing gel as teeth whitening can cause temporary tooth sensitivity. As soon as your procedure is done, you will have immediate and noticeable results. Zoom teeth whitening in Boston can whiten your teeth by up to 8 shades for dramatic results.

Aftercare and Maintaining Your Bright Teeth

After the last round of Zoom teeth whitening, you will enjoy a beautiful smile that’s up to eight shades lighter than before. To maintain the brightness, you may need to visit your dentist for touch-ups.

Your teeth will be a bit drier after your procedure and they may be sensitive for a few days. You can use a normal over-the-counter toothpaste for sensitive teeth to overcome this side effect. If you do notice sensitivity, it should go away on its own fairly quickly. Over the next few days, your saliva will also slightly reduce the whitening effect you noticed in the office but this is normal.

For the first day, it’s very important to avoid staining foods and drinks. This includes tea, soda, coffee, and wine as well as tobacco products. You can also maintain your bright, white smile by avoiding other staining agents lie foods with tannins, including curry and tomato sauce. Your dentist will send you home with Zoom DayWhite trays that you can use for follow-up maintenance of your new, bright smile.

Am I a Good Candidate for Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Not everyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening. The ideal candidate has healthy teeth free of restorations and filling with healthy gums. Teeth whitening works best for people whose teeth have yellow tones rather than brown tones. Teeth that are gray or brown or teeth mottled or striped from excess fluoride or tetracycline typically don’t whiten evenly.

Keep in mind there are two types of dental stains: stains on the inside of the tooth and surface stains. Extrinsic or surface stains occur in your tooth enamel and respond very well to teeth whitening. These stains are caused by tobacco products, food, and drink. Discoloration inside of the tooth won’t respond well to teeth whitening. These intrinsic stains can be stubborn and require professional treatment.

You should also have realistic expectations about teeth whitening. It won’t make your teeth perfectly white but it will brighten them several shades. You may be disappointed if you expect your teeth to become blindingly white through teeth whitening because it gives your teeth a natural appearance that is slightly whiter than the whites of your eyes.

Some people may not be the best candidates. You may not be a good candidate if any of the following apply:

  • You are pregnant or nursing
  • You have dental restorations such as bridges, crowns, fillings, or implants. This is because the restorations are inorganic and will not respond to teeth whitening. This can cause restored teeth to stand out with a different color. After a teeth whitening procedure, you should wait at least two weeks before crowns, veneers, and bonding are done. This will give your enamel enough time to remineralize.
  • You have tooth decay, exposed roots, cavities, or gum disease. Cavities must be treated before you undergo teeth whitening. The peroxide product penetrates into existing decay in your teeth and the inner parts of the tooth and can cause sensitivity.
  • You have sensitive teeth
  • Children under 16. This is because at this age, the pulp chamber or the nerve of the root is still enlarged and the pulp can become irritated during teeth whitening.

If your teeth have fillings or other foreign materials, there are special considerations for teeth whitening. Inorganic dental restorations like bridges won’t react to the teeth whitening so your restored teeth and natural teeth may not match. Your dentist may have a strategy to give you more consistent results but this may require replacing your restorations. Your dentist can also recommend alternatives to Zoom teeth whitening to give you a brighter smile such as bonding or veneers.


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